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Changes at IRSI

Following the appointment of IRSI Associate Director Lerato Chondoma as Associate Vice-President, Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility at Acadia University, IRSI is operating with reduced capacity. We remain committed to providing direct support services to Indigenous community partners and UBC researchers in building reciprocal, respectful, and mutually beneficial research partnerships, and as a result, other programming and events may be scaled back at this time. We ask for your

Relational accountability in climate change research: A repository of research partnerships between UBC & B.C. Indigenous partners

This report explores our findings from a mixed methods analysis on the IRSI database of Indigenous-UBC climate change research partnerships, which stemmed from the shared climate emergency priorities of both UBC and Indigenous leadership. In the summer of 2023, IRSI partnered with the Sustainability Scholars program to develop the database. Among our primary findings, key principles of reciprocal accountability, transparency, and relationship-building emerged from a qualitative and quantitative

Introducing Our New Research Program Manager at IRSI

We are excited to announce the addition of a new team member to the Indigenous Research Support Initiative. Please join us in welcoming Sam, who will be stepping into the role of Research Program Manager. About Sam: Sam Filipenko, MPH (he/him) is a non-Indigenous person of White-settler ancestry. He was born and raised on unceded and occupied Musqueam territory, but spent the last decade living and working in Tkaronto (Toronto) – the traditional territories of many nations, including the

UBC Launches Indigenous Finance Guidelines

The Indigenous Finance Guidelines have been created to address a long unresolved issue at UBC – how to better support gift giving and compensation in reciprocal, respectful, relationship-based collaborations between Indigenous partners and UBC. As the University continues to deepen its strong commitments to Indigenous partners through, for example, the 2020 Indigenous Strategic Plan, there is a growing need for comparable investment in infrastructure and resources to support the implementation

Lhoosk’uz Dené village taps into clean water after a 20-year wait

Jul 13, 2021 Reproduced with permission from Media Relations | For more information, contact Lou Corpuz-Bosshart Glasses engraved with 'Too bets`huna,' meaning ‘We live by water’ celebrate the new treatment system. Photo: Nicole Marie Johnston/UBC Today, a remote Lhoosk’uz Dené community is holding a celebration to mark a joyful milestone. After decades of relying on bottled water, the village of about 50 people, located 200 kilometres west of Quesnel on Kluskus Lake, now has a steady supply of