For many years, university research has followed an extractive model, with detrimental impacts on Indigenous communities, operating in circumstances of unequal power and without regard for community concerns, needs or interests. When you are new to Indigenous research, it’s critical your project be developed and conducted in true collaboration with your Indigenous community partner and that it respects community values, practices and protocols. Help us understand your level of Indigenous knowledge and experience so we can best support you in your research endeavour.
Before you are ready to collaborate on an Indigenous research project, you will need a basic level of understanding about Indigenous culture, history and protocols. IRSI is creating some basic background information and resources to guide you. In the interim, please refer to the following UBC resources:
Indigenous Foundations, First Nations Indigenous StudiesIndigenous Peoples Language Guidelines, First Nations House of Learning (FNHL)UBC-Aboriginal Timeline, Centre for Teaching, Learning and TechnologyUBC Indigenous PortalAboriginal Programs & Services at UBC Okanagan
Once you have gained a basic level of understanding about Indigenous identity, please confirm below in order to continue.