Relational accountability in climate change research: A repository of research partnerships between UBC & B.C. Indigenous partners

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This report explores our findings from a mixed methods analysis on the IRSI database of Indigenous-UBC climate change research partnerships, which stemmed from the shared climate emergency priorities of both UBC and Indigenous leadership. In the summer of 2023, IRSI partnered with the Sustainability Scholars program to develop the database. Among our primary findings, key principles of reciprocal accountability, transparency, and relationship-building emerged from a qualitative and quantitative assessment. The report presents a set of recommendations aimed at bolstering respectful collaboration between Indigenous partners and UBC in addressing the climate emergency and climate change.

Click here to download the full report.

In the summer of 2024, an addendum to this report was created to contain the feedback and insights from the three gatherings that IRSI hosted to share-back the analysis of our climate research partnerships database. Individual share-back sessions were held with UBC staff and researchers, the BC Assembly of First Nations, and the ICCOs named in the database. 

Click here to download a copy of the addendum.