Indigenous voices

Hear from other Indigenous people involved in research

Note: Content for these stories was co-created with the communities and individuals depicted and may include information that is culturally sensitive. If you wish to share a story on this website, we ask that you do so in its entire, unaltered state, by providing a direct link to the relevant page. For more information, visit review the Content Usage and Sharing Protocol page.


Terri Aldred on the steps that Carrier Sekani Family Services is taking to keep people safe, Indigenous responses to the pandemic, and ways people and communities can stay healthy. Watch video(link is external)

This community-based research collaboration between Lil’wat Nation members and UBC researcher Tonya Smith aims to address food security for the community. Lil’wat member Kwikws Eliza Peters and Tonya discuss the project. Watch video.(link is external) 


Sandra Martin-Harris on how universities like UBC can help Indigenous communities reach their goals sooner through collaborative research. Watch video.(link is external)

Chief Richard Sidney of the Teslin Tlingit Council speaks about ways Indigenous research can benefit community, as well as how research models need to shift to be truly collaborative. Watch video(link is external).

The CEDAR Project explores connections between the impacts of residential schools and child welfare on HIV and hepatitis C among young Indigenous people who use drugs in BC. Project findings have supported the creation of programs that respond to HIV / Hepatitis C and contribute to wellness for Indigenous youth.

Faced with a housing crisis, the Heiltsuk Tribal Council reached out to IRSI to facilitate a housing-related research collaboration with UBC. Read more.