These tools provide a basic level of cultural awareness and understanding and can be shared with those working in collaboration with Indigenous communities
Background information about reconciliation efforts at UBC and worldwide, including the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Truth and Reconciliation Commission reports.
Funding sources for First Nations and Indigenous communities & organizations that may support research endeavours.
New Relationship Trust
Funding support for First Nation communities in BC looking to build capacity in areas of education, economic development, language & culture, youth & Elders, and governance.
First Peoples’ Cultural Council
Funding and resources for communities to support the revitalization of Indigenous languages, arts, culture, and heritage in BC.
McConnell Foundation
Grants for innovative approaches to social, cultural, economic, and environmental challenges, including reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
Real Estate Foundation
Grants available for non-profit organizations (including First Nations governments) engaged in research, education, and policy analysis related to sustainable land use and real estate.
Ford Foundation
Limited funding available for projects that address the Ford Foundation’s areas of focus in fighting inequality.
Vancouver Foundation
Grant funding available to build healthy, vibrant, and livable communities across BC.
VanCity Community Foundation
Opportunities are available for social enterprise, real estate development, and other project areas.
Island Coastal Economic Trust
Supports diversification, planning, and regional revitalization in the Vancouver Island and Sunshine Coast region.
Community Futures
Provides small business loans and financing alternatives for small business and community economic development throughout rural BC.
Coast Opportunity Funds
Four rounds of funding each for First Nations’ conservation and economic development projects.
Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program - CleanBC Communities Fund
Supports cost-sharing of infrastructure projects in communities across the province. These projects will focus on the management of renewable energy, access to clean-energy transportation, the improved energy efficiency of buildings, and the generation of clean energy. Funding is available up to 75% of the eligible project costs For Indigenous On-Reserve applicants and up to 90% of the eligible project costs for Indigenous Off-Reserve Projects.
Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities – Natural Resources Canada
Supports community-level capacity building that will increase clean energy opportunities, including renewables and energy efficiency, and contribute to reducing diesel reliance in rural and/or remote communities. Indigenous organizations, including governments, councils, for-profit and non-profit organizations, are eligible.
BC Clean Energy Projects
List compiled by the Province of BC for energy efficiency and clean energy projects led by local governments and First Nations in BC. The complete list can be downloaded here.
National Aboriginal Capital Corporations Association
A network of over 50 Aboriginal Financial Institutions (AFIs) dedicated to stimulating economic growth for Indigenous people in Canada by providing loans to businesses owned by First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people.
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Ltd. (CNL) Projects
Funding to assist Indigenous peoples to participate in the review of the environmental assessment and license application, and in a future Commission hearing process, for Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Ltd. (CNL) projects. For information on how to participate, visit the Public Commission hearings and Participant Funding Program sections of the CNSC website.
Community-University Engagement Support (CUES) Fund
Community-University Engagement Support (CUES) provides funding for charitable organizations in British Columbia to build partnerships and pursue shared projects with UBC. We support the partners behind collaborative research, teaching, and learning projects that benefit communities across the province.
Partnership Recognition Fund
The Community Engagement Partnership Recognition Fund (PRF) is designed to help fill small resource gaps and acknowledge the contributions that community partners make to UBC. It also aims to raise awareness about the value of relationships and working together in a thoughtful way.
Best Practices
Best practices, methods and guidelines for Indigenous research and related activities, including communications.
Chief Joe Mathias BC Aboriginal Scholarship Fund
Financial assistance for BC First Nations students working towards an academic degree, certificate or diploma, or engaged in post-graduate academic studies, at an eligible post-secondary educational institution, wherever located.
Indigenous Undergraduate Student research mentorship (UBC)
Pairs Indigenous students with faculty members or postdoctoral research fellows as mentors, and may include research projects, lab experiences, and meetings with mentors and peers.
Links to useful websites and online resources for Indigenous communities.