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Let the Community Lead Where You're Going to Go

This month, we sat down with Candace Cook, a research scientist at RES’EAU WaterNET . The RES’EAU WaterNET is an NSERC-funded program which aims to achieve breakthroughs in engineering, chemistry, genomics and social sciences in small water systems. RES’EAU focuses on water research and strategic approaches that can be applied to water health monitoring and treatment technology development, as well as novel approaches to treating water for microbial and chemical contamination, algal toxins and

Success = Relationships + Transformative Action

Welcome to IRSI’s very first blog post. We’re so excited to have spoken with Dr. Helen Brown and Kelsey Timler, from the Critical Research in Health and Healthcare Inequities (CRiHHI) research unit within the School of Nursing here on campus. Which of your current research projects has you really excited right now? Why? All of our current projects are exciting and inspiring, yet each in different ways. Some projects have been underway for over 10 years, such as our Sanala Research with the